To qualify for the AWARD® Intermediate Certification, you must have successfully passed your foundation accreditation and completed additional formal classroom training. You will have already demonstrated competency in building and managing an AWARD® Evaluation Project. This certification is designed to progress your knowledge to allow you to become super users within your organisation.
You will have demonstrated your ability to apply your AWARD® knowledge in different contexts. You will also be able to utilise the advanced features of AWARD® safely and appropriately. For the certification to be issued, you must have completed assessed scenario-based activities, within a replica AWARD® project, designed to assimilate challenges experienced on a ‘real world’ procurement project. You will also have constructed a multi-project which has been reviewed by a Commerce Decisions consultant.
As a badge earner, you will also be able to show understanding of the following AWARD® topics:
- Multi-Lot Project configuration and reporting
- Custom reports and Report Packs
- Advanced Exercise Configuration Options; Expected Assessor Count, Default Answer Status, Manual Assignment of Submission to Users
- AWARD® Debrief Exercise setup and use
- Application of different aggregation methods; Weighted Sum, Weighted Average
- Workgroups and Restricted Document access
- Account administration
- Revisions
- Advanced Supplier Portals (licence dependent)
- AWARD® Data Room (licence dependent)
- Supplier Self Registration (licence dependent)