Over the last 20 years the size and nature of complex and large procurements in the public and commercial sector have grown rapidly as technology and progress have made the demands of clients ever more exacting.
At the same time the outcome of these procurements has become ever more visible, particularly in the government sector where transparent accountability has become the rule rather than the exception.
Poor procurement in the commercial sector can destroy an organisation’s competitiveness, and sometimes even its ability to continue trading.
Procurement is now in a position to affect company profitability faster and more dramatically than any other corporate function.
It is for these reasons that the process of complex procurements has come under increasing scrutiny. This is particularly true in the government sector where both local and European-wide directives are regularly issued and updated.
The purpose of this white paper is to explore some of the issues facing organisations involved in complex procurement, and to introduce solutions that can support them in the decision-making process.
This white paper will focus broadly on the procurement process in both the government and commercial sectors.
However, clearly the bulk of legislation that has been put in place over the last ten to fifteen years has been focused on the process of public procurement.
At the same time there has been a drive to introduce and conform to best practices across the entire spectrum of procurement.
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