Commerce Decisions is a wholly owned subsidiary of Harris Computer Corporation, headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. Harris Computer Corporation is a division of Constellation Software Inc. (TSX: CSU).
The following is a list of Commerce Decisions trademarks in the United States, European Union and / or other countries. Those trademarks followed by ® are registered United Kingdom trademarks of Commerce Decisions. Failure by Commerce Decisions to list a particular Commerce Decisions trademark is not a waiver of any rights reserved by that trademark.
Commerce Decisions Trademarks
- Commerce Decisions™ – application/software/solution/service (as applicable)
- AWARD® – software/solution (as applicable)
Commerce Decisions Trademark Guidelines
Proper use of Commerce Decisions trademarks is important. The following guidelines should be followed when referring to Commerce Decisions trademarks and product names:
- In communications the first reference to each Commerce Decisions product name must be identified in a footnote or attribution. The attribution must be located either on the page/screen where the AWARD® product name is used, or in the legal section of the communication or site in which it is referenced.
- The attribution statement should take the following form:
“[Commerce Decisions Trademarks] are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Commerce Decisions in the United States, European Union and/or other countries.” - The first reference to each Commerce Decisions product name should also be followed by the proper trademark symbol. The proper symbol for registered product names is ®. The proper symbol for product names which are the subject of pending applications or are used in accordance with common law trademark principles is ™.
- A product name should never be used as a noun and should only be used in singular form as an adjective qualifying a noun based on the product or service descriptor.